Business & Strategic Planning
Strategic Assessment
Viability Assessment
Cash Flow Analysis, Forecasting & Planning
Financial Analysis
Break-Even Analysis
Profitability Analysis
Operations & Business Process Assessment

The first, and most important, step in addressing any business challenge is to truly understand the nature of the challenge and objectively assess the condition of the enterprise. Our professionals leverage experience and expertise acquired in the course of hundreds of engagements to quickly identify key issues, determine the nature and scope of the challenge or challenges facing the business, and develop an appropriate range of strategic alternatives.
Objectivity and credibility are often in short supply when a business is stressed or distressed. While optimism and confidence are essential in a business manager, they can sometimes cloud judgment and obstruct a realistic assessment of the challenges an enterprise is facing. Whether or not this is true in a particular case, creditors and other stakeholders often believe that managers and business owners may not fully appreciate, or adequately communicate, the true extent of a company’s problems. Wadsworth Whitestar is a trusted resource for objective, credible assessment and analysis, direct and unvarnished presentation of the facts, and dispassionate advice regarding a path forward.