Experience & Expertise
Results Driven
Individualized Approach
We all appreciate the work you've done at our plant in Belgium. It's nice to report that they are now profitable. A lot of hard work went into getting there and you are much of the reason they acheived it.
Former Client
Power Transmission Industry
The selection of a turnaround consultant may well be one of the most impactful decisions a business owner or manager will ever make in their professional career. And, despite the implications of making a poor choice, it is likely to be a decision made under duress, with limited information and little time to vet candidates. Given this reality, it is critically important that the selection process be narrowly focused on those attributes most closely linked with consistently positive outcomes. At Wadsworth Whitestar we believe that achieving optimal outcomes in stressed and distressed situations is rooted in a handful of core competencies and values.
Experience & Expertise –– The consultants at Wadsworth Whitestar have completed more than 200 engagements over the past 20 years under some of the most challenging and complex circumstances imaginable. The cumulative experience gained during these projects, coupled with deep and broad turnaround management expertise, puts our professionals in an elite group of the most highly qualified in their field.
Objectivity –– Wadsworth Whitestar is a trusted resource for objective, credible assessment and analysis, direct and unvarnished presentation of the facts, and dispassionate advice regarding a path forward.
Collaboration –– We believe that optimal outcomes are achieved by working collaboratively with management, building on an established base of industry and operation specific knowledge, not by simply imposing our version of industry best practices. Our professionals provide the expertise required to successfully navigate the unique challenges encountered by a business in distress coupled with a breadth of experience that supports the development of creative, innovative alternatives, unfettered by a myopic, “that’s not the way it’s done” mentality.
Results Driven –– Wadsworth Whitestar consultants are agents of change and business transformation with a singular focus on results. We believe that our role is to get in, get it done, and get out!
Reputation –– The most important asset we have as a professional services firm is our reputation. All of the skills, experience, and expertise are of little consequence if the other professionals with whom we work and the clients whom we serve do not hold us in high regard. We are very proud of our reputation in the market, and are honored to have the trust and respect of the lenders, attorneys, accountants, and clients with whom we work.
Individualized Approach –– Over the years we have resisted the temptation to leverage our reputation and expand the scope and scale of our firm, choosing instead to maintain a small staff of dedicated professionals who take personal ownership of each engagement. We beleive that our clients deserve the individual attention of a consultant in whom they have developed trust and confidence – not a "stringer" brought in off the bench.
Wadsworth Whitestar is not the right choice for every engagement. We are a boutique consulting firm narrowly focused on providing a comprehensive range of advisory services to stressed and distressed businesses. We are selective about our engagements, seeking out the complex, challenging projects that many others avoid and always making an honest assessment of our ability to add value before accepting an assignment. Once engaged, our professionals work tirelessly to preserve, restore, and recognize corporate value, providing companies with the leadership and expertise required to overcome critical challenges – maximizing stakeholder value and minimizing downside risk.